New Jersey
Charity Tournament
Guten Abend liebe Community! Gestern Abend gegen 20:00 Uhr ging nach 8 Stunden Showdown das Finale von unserem Benefiz Turnier zu Ende. In einem spannenden Match konnte sich letztendlich das Team Überfordert, zum Großteil bestehend aus Spielern von HegerSoft Esports e.V. , auf der fünften Map verdient durchsetzen! Herzlichen Glückwunsch an das gesamte Team und […]
New Partner
We now have a partnership with The 3000€ Warzone Season has been running there since August 1st and continues until August 30th. You can register with this link. To a good partnership .. Good luck to everyone who participates and tries to secure the 3000€ pot. ❤️🔥 #WeAreRAK
New Partner
Today we can announce a new partner again. In this case it is Bitro, which converts normal controllers into Scuf’s. If you fancy a Scuf controller, you can live it out there. He sells individual parts but can of course also be sent assembled. There is a wide range of paddles etc. Be it LED, […]
New Sponsor
Today is the day ! We are proud to announce our new partner. Our new partner is @! Are you looking for an energy / gaming booster that can do without senseless and bad ingredients? Then you are at the right place at Holy! At Holy you get your daily dose of vitamins […]
New Partnership
A lot has happened internally in the past few days and weeks. Many discussions were held and plans were made. We do not want to withhold the result of this very exciting time from you any longer We now have a clan partnership with SoulmateDevils It quickly became clear to both of them that this […]
Cup Results
WIR HABEN ES GESCHAFFT! Wir haben den 5. Tragiic Cup gewonnen und haben uns gegen super Teams durchgesetzt Wir sind sehr stolz auf unsere Leistung! GG ans Gegnerteam